Writer of Dark Fiction and Twisty Tales

Welcome to my website!

As an avid reader, I’ve always enjoyed stories that are just a little “off.” A few years ago, I began creating my own tales. Since then, I’ve written many short stories and had several published (see Publications tab for full listing). 

My most recent short story publications (April 2024) are in the Spring Issue of The Sirens Call e-zine. “Inheritance” (p.188) is a flash piece about an unusual family trait, and “The Wages of Sin” (p.267) is a story about the ripple effect of a seemingly harmless act of workplace pilferage. The zine is free to read, so click the link and check them out! 

In addition to short stories, I’m excited to announce that my debut novel “The Vanishing Twin,” a supernatural thriller, will be published by Crossroad Press in Fall 2024. 




If you want a peek at the glamorous life of a writer, check me out on Facebook!

You can also find me here: Valerie B. Williams (@valwillwrite.bsky.social) — Bluesky